Westcott Community

The Westcott Neighborhood of Syracuse, NY

A vibrant eastside neighborhood rich in history, culture, food and entertainment

Walking Tours

West of Westcott

Stop #45

737 Lancaster Ave

  • Built: ca. 1912
  • Architect: Unknown
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This apartment house is typical of a development in multi-family structures common after about 1910. The house, like many similar ones (several on Westcott Street) occupies a corner site, and fills the entire lot. The entrance is on the long side opening into a  hall and stair with access to four equal apartments; each with a large porch on the house’s short sides. This type of design relates to the common two-apartment “flats” houses (there is one next door at 741), but gains more units for lot. It only works, however, when the long side faces a street. In the style of the day, this building is given classical details, especially at the entrance.