Westcott Community
The Westcott Neighborhood of Syracuse, NY
A vibrant eastside neighborhood rich in history, culture, food and entertainment

Greater Westcott Neighborhood Public Meeting on Safety and Crime
Hosted by: Westcott Neighborhood Association
WNA has organized this meeting with City of Syracuse leaders in response to our community’s expressed concerns about crime and public safety. The meeting is meant to inform and discuss recent upticks in certain types of crimes, and address resident anxieties, frustrations, and some misconceptions. Mayor Walsh, Deputy Mayor Owens, Police Chief Cecile, and other elected officials and agency reps will be present to listen to concerns, explain procedures and policies, take questions, and solicit community action.
To ensure the most efficient use of our time, we encourage submission of written comments and questions beforehand. We will try to post some answers as we get them – before and after the meeting. A list of received questions will be available to all participants before the meeting. Questions can be posted on FB, or sent to wenanation@gmail.com.
To discuss specific experiences and work collectively for crime prevention we urge you to participate in the Neighborhood Watch.