Westcott Community
The Westcott Neighborhood of Syracuse, NY
A vibrant eastside neighborhood rich in history, culture, food and entertainment
Happy Shakesmas:Three-part 1st annual fundraiser for SSITP Fund
Hosted by: Syracuse Shakespeare in the Park
1-4 pm, “Shakin with Santa”, kids and families, crafts, stories, elves, pics w/Santa, goodie bags, cool raffle prizes, $2/kid & $5 family max, holiday music
7-8 pm, “Swill with Will”, VIP Event, $25, advance sale only on TicketLeap.com, live music, Free BBD buffet, great raffle prizes, Dickens characters, cash bar
8-11 pm, “ShakesBeer on Tap”, $15 suggested donation at the door, live music, great raffle prizes, cash bar, order from menu