Westcott Community
The Westcott Neighborhood of Syracuse, NY
A vibrant eastside neighborhood rich in history, culture, food and entertainment

The Herb Academy: My Garden Looks Great (And I’m a Mess)
Hosted by: Petit Branch Library – Onondaga County Public Libraries
Are you a gardener? Do you love getting your hands, feet and knees into the soil? Is your garden in better shape than you are? Join herbalist Deb Thorna, and learn how to keep those hands, feet and knees looking and feeling better. We’ll try some skin scrubs and softeners, liniments and stretches to help keep you gardening all season.
Deb Thorna has been living with and loving herbs and weeds her entire life. She apprenticed with Tina Finnyfrock almost twenty years ago and has been sharing her knowledge and enthusiasm since then.