The Westcott Neighborhood of Syracuse, NY
A vibrant eastside neighborhood rich in history, culture, food and entertainment

Westcott Neighborhood Watch – Hybrid
Hosted by: Neighborhood Watch
For East Siders who want to informally get a word in edgewise with the Syracuse Police Department:
• Westcott Neighborhood Watch next gathers alongside nearby groups for an in-person meeting (with an option for virtual attendance), Thursday, Jan. 30, 2025, starting 6:30 pm, and lasting for about one hour.
In-person participation will be at Petit Branch Library, 105 Victoria Place.
For virtual participation, here’s the Zoom link, etc.:
Meeting ID: 862 6748 2707
Passcode: 013025
Join by phone: 646.558.8656
For those who have really exceptional memories and are really organized, the schedule for Westcott NW is generally the 3rd Thursday of every odd month (Jan., March, May, July, Sept., Nov.).
However, this January 2025 session has been moved back by a couple weeks — due to a conflict with the Mayor’s State of the City address, Jan. 16.