The Westcott Neighborhood of Syracuse, NY
A vibrant eastside neighborhood rich in history, culture, food and entertainment
Young Adults Baseball Outing
Hosted by: Vineyard Church Westcott Site
Sunday July 14th Young Adult Baseball Outing with the Syracuse Mets vs. Scranton Wilkes-Barre Railriders! ⚾️
Tickets are $8 per person (to be collected day of by a member of Young Adults leadership team)
The church will be reserving and paying for the tickets in advance, so please RSVP serious interests only – no later than Wednesday July 10th (by noon). This will help provide us ample time to secure your spot!
We will be meeting outside the stadium gates at 12:30pm on game day to collect cash and hand out tickets.
As many of us will be coming from church, carpooling is highly suggested! If you are in need of a ride or willing to help out with transportation, please let us know, and we’ll help to make arrangements!
We want to see our community growing! Please feel free to share with and bring a friend! We had such a great turn out for the YA Game Night largely due to your lovely “friend-vites.”
Post any questions/comments below, and we’ll see you at the “old ball game!” 🎶