Westcott Community

The Westcott Neighborhood of Syracuse, NY

A vibrant eastside neighborhood rich in history, culture, food and entertainment

Walking Tours


Stop #07

200 Scottholm Blvd

  • Built: ca. 1926
  • Architect: Unknown
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This (somewhat) Tudor Revival style house sits on a prominent corner lot, sloping gently downward to the northeast corner of the property. The house exemplifies the embrace of all things English by many in the American upper middle class in the 1920s. They didn’t know “Downton Abbey,” but in a small way they tried to live it. The substantial size and desecration and the prominent siting of the garage indicate how important the automobile had become in the life of prosperous Syracusans by the 1920s.


The house has a hipped roof covered with clay tiles – somewhat unusual for the style indicating the underlying eclecticism of residential architecture of the time. The main entrance is centrally situated on the primary/east elevation, beneath a protruding, front-gabled entry portico. Though the use of half-timber articulation in the upper story identifies this as Tudor in style; the dominant horizontal massing links this the Prairie style houses of the time while the tile roof recalls Italian and Spanish Revival residences.