Westcott Community

The Westcott Neighborhood of Syracuse, NY

A vibrant eastside neighborhood rich in history, culture, food and entertainment

Walking Tours

Westcott's England

Stop #19

Westminster Stairs

  • Built: 1930s
  • Architect: Unknown
Map This Location


The Syracuse Journal reported on Oct. 22, 1910 that “Superintendent Campbell said to-day (sic) that the people of the seventeenth ward were entitled to have the park improved, as the people of that land pay a large portion of the city’s tax, with their residences being very valuable” . Trees were planted and a gazebo was built to host the families traveling by trolley to enjoy the view.

In the years that followed, the staircase from Euclid Avenue to Westminster Park was constructed when he city purchased two lots on Euclid Avenue in 1928 for $5,000 to provide an entrance to Westminster Park (Syracuse Herald May 20, 1928). The 181-step staircase leading to the park was presumably built in the 1930s as a public works project.  In more recent decades Norm Richards has worked to preserve the view at Westminster Park, organizing neighbors each year to clear out dead brush and to pick up trash – especially the beer cans and broken glass that frequently litter the stairs.