The Old Neighborhood Part I
Stop #24
405 Westcott Street / Bread and Roses Collective
- Built: Unknown
- Architect: Unknown
Located at 162 Cambridge Street and 405 Westcott Street, Bread and Roses Collective provides a model of cooperative living, ecological sustainability, and affordable housing situations in the heart of the city. Founded in 1998, the Collective subscribes to the idea of “Food, not Lawns” and has a beautiful garden out front on Cambridge Street, and a bathtub salad garden in the driveway Bread and Roses has a strong commitment to social justice activism and community participation and has hosted or participated in workshops on consensus process and democratic decision making, food preservation, composting, bike fixing, making salves and lotion, natural dyes, and more!
The collective is named after the 1912 Bread and Roses textile workers strike, in Lawrence, Mass. The collective bought the house at 162 Cambridge St. in 2004. The house has a stained-glass window from the 1850s and original woodwork.