Westcott Community

The Westcott Neighborhood of Syracuse, NY

A vibrant eastside neighborhood rich in history, culture, food and entertainment

Walking Tours


Stop #31

119 Crawford Ave / Asher and Gertrude Markson House

  • Built: ca. 1930
  • Architect: Unknown
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This two-story, frame Colonial Revival-style residence was the home of Asher and Gertrude Markson. Asher was treasurer of Markson Bros., a furniture retail chain with the main store located on 223 North Salina Street.


The house has a side-gabled roof with the gable-end facing the street. The roof features shed-dormers that span its north and south facades. The street elevation is bisected by a brick end-chimney flanked by quarter-circle attic level windows (as at #112 Scottholm Blvd.). A screened porch spans the first story of this elevation. The main entry is located on the south elevation.
