The Old Neighborhood Part I
Stop #41
416 Columbus Ave
- Built: ca. 1904
- Architect: Unknown
The ample house was probably one of the first built on the street when Columbus Avenue was developed by Daniel Rosenbloom.It is notable for its ground floor corner porch, with its recessed off center entrance set beneath a second story sleeping porch. The entrance to the porch is at the corner, while to the left, facing the street is a projecting front gable roof with a vegetal design relief set into the pediment (see photo). The house, extends deep into the lot, and was probably originally covered with shingles, or a combination of clapboards and shingles, possibly painted in more than one color or shade. Today, allĀ but the roof level is covered with standard white vinyl siding. Who knows what remains beneath?
When the house was built it on its low rise overlooking East Genesee Street, there was no house built to the north and there would have been a clear view to East Genesee Street and Loguen Park (then named Columbia Park). The house to the north was erected in 1914.